Oh my goodness, I just have to share this story with everyone!!!
Yesterday, as I was riding the bus to my cello school an old lady gets on the bus, with her little white fluffy dog. You are not supposed to bring dogs on the bus, common sense and there is even a few signs with a picture of a dog and a big X through it. I guess this Italian women is just too stubborn or maybe just has bad eye-sight but brings it anyway. I watch the lady walk down the aisle with her mini friend... The dog turns around, I am not kidding, this dog is wearing a HUGGIES DIAPER!! The dog, was wearing a diaper, it was strapped around its waist and was wearing a freaking diaper!! I started laughing of course, very loud, so all these grumpy bus riders look at me... Yeah, they stare at me instead of the dog in probably a size 2 month diaper. You guys all know that my family, especially my mom, just dont mesh well with animals, well try liking an animal in a diaper. And you know how theres those cute little stars that magically disapear when the CHILD wets it, well those stars happened to be missing! YUCK!

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