Turning a break-up positive is not so easy, but making your view on the world and what you have in front of you is a little bit simpler so thats what I'm working on first.
I'm not sure if it was all the tears that lifted the blindfold off my eyes but here is just  a quote I set as my facebook status that really inspired me;

"Each player must accept the cards life deals him or her: but once they are in hand, he or she alone must decide how to play the cards in order to win the game." Aristotle

My mom asked me to explain the meaning to her and this was my reply:

 "Besides the fact that everyone hates to be my partner when we play cards because I suck, but even if you lost a few rounds, you can still win. You have to stay focussed and not let your mind run off singing "the clarinet, the clarinet goes tweetly tweetly leety leet..." No one is looking at my hand, only I have the power to lay them down... I lay down my road. The road to happiness, friendships and love. Don't get discouraged by one lost round because it is bound to happen. And it is even more difficult to cheat. No cheating life."
I am not very good at cards, and whenever we play I sing the song from I think it's You Got Mail when they sing about the instruments and they make all different noises for them, it makes me happy. I can never cheat and whenever I do it just gets worse for me. I am finally figuring out how to sail my boat, I just wish Nick was aboard but I guess I forgot to pack the life vest, I'll remember that next time ;)
Told you guys it was going to be positive!! 
12/7/2010 04:29:17 am

Oh Hannalee, I just wish I could give you a big (((HUG))). I am so sorry that you have been having a rough time. At the same time I feel so proud of the young woman you are becoming! You are truly trying to do your best in a difficult situation. I know it does not feel like it now, but someday this experience will be a fond memory. That probably will not happen for a while, but someday.

Love the quote....I know you will play your cards right.



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